Hannibal Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Members of the Hannibal Area Chamber of Commerce are at the top of our organizational chart. Members are the strength of the organization, both as stockholders and the principal customers we serve. Our Board of Directors (committed volunteers selected from Chamber members) establishes our policies, sets the budget, and implements our program of work.

The Board of Directors elects an Executive Committee of seven to transact business between meetings of the Board. The Board employs an Executive Director, who is assisted by an Office Manager, to conduct daily business, to operate the Chamber office, and to assist the Board and the Ambassadors in the accomplishment of our goals. The Executive Director also serves as the Corporate Secretary for the organization. The Board of Directors meets at 8:00 a.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month.

Board of Directors

*Executive Committee member

McKenzie Disselhorst - Executive Director/Secretary*